This makes me angry.
Because it demonises people, implying that these "monsters" are less than human, and explicitly stating that they are irredeemable.
Because it fails to acknowledge that we all behave in these ways at times, and at times we all take pleasure in behaving in these ways too.
Because it draws another line between "us the normal people" and "them the depraved lot with whom I have nothing in common."
Because it creates yet another reason to live in fear in an already terrorised world.
Because it pins a diagnosis on a person, rather than acknowledging that families, institutions, local communities, and the wider society play a critical role in shaping that who that person is and who they will become.
It seems to me that "psychopath" is a much overused word these days, and "character" much underused.
"Lord, have mercy on us all when we act in unethical, immoral, and self-centred ways. Help us to encourage one another towards greater Christlikeness in our families, our churches, our workplaces, and our wider communities. Give us eyes to see your image in those around us, no matter how far from you they seem."
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